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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Turcă MUGAYLAN: deve dikeni çöllerde ve kurak yerlerde...
MUGAYLAN: deve dikeni çöllerde ve kurak yerlerde bulunan bir bitki olduğu için sevgilinin ka'be'ye benzeyen mahallesinin yolunda bulunduğuna inanılır. Mugaylan acı ve ızdırabın timsalidir.

Traduceri completate
Engleză MUGAYLAN : Since the teazel is a plant
Spaniolă MUGAYLAN: Ya que el cardo es una planta...
Italiană Mugaylan (il cardo)
Limba sursă
Engleză Unfinished sad postcard
An Unfinished Sad Postcard

Keep it close to your heart until we meet, until I finish my work, until there's no barrier between us.
I fell in love with a girl. but the distance make impossible our love, and we decided to stop talking until we can see each other as friends. I had begun to draw her a painting, but I can't continue, and I want to send her what I've done so far, with these words.

Traduceri completate
Turcă Tamamlanmamış Hüzünlü bir Kartpostal